Dreaming of a Better Future
Growing up I struggled with trauma & poverty. It wasn't a guarantee that I would graduate high school, let alone go to college. In fact, no one in my immediate family had, so college was not even on my radar for a very long time. I never doubted I would finish high school. That was something I knew I would do just to spite those that said I couldn't. But, college? Never.
Until one teacher helped me see that there could be a better future for me. One where I could have a positive impact on children's lives. One that I had never even dreamed was a possibility for me. Education. Be a teacher. The idea clicked and at 20 years old, I was the first in my family to enroll in college. I thought I would teach British Literature, so I focused on literature courses and a few basics. Until at 21, I decided I needed to work more than go to college, so I dropped out of college.
Then, I had my daughter. She was my inspiration to get back to school because when I looked into her tiny face I KNEW I wanted more for her. In fact, I wanted to be a role model for her. I wanted her to grow up and see that with hard work and education, she can achieve her dreams. So, I set out to reach my dreams and enrolled in college again. While in school I became a substitute and through my experiences, I quickly realized that elementary was the right fit for me and that I truly loved being around kids in the 4th and 5th-grade classrooms that I was a regular substitute for.
I worked so hard when my daughter was an infant. I subbed during the school day and focused on my studies in the evening. In fact, most of that time is a blur. There were many long, sleepless nights where I would work on school tasks while caring for a baby. It was more than worth it though.
I completed my Bachelor's of Art in Interdisciplinary Studies Pre-k to 6 in under 2 calendar years thanks to Western Governor's University self-paced program and affordable tuition. Not only was I the first in my immediate family to achieve a college degree, but I also did it in an amazingly short time-frame AND with a 4.0! I realized education is my key to a better future, thereby ensuring that her future is better as well. I believe this is the beginning of my understanding of the power that education can bring to children who don't believe there are other options. I realized that education cannot be taken from me. It is the one thing I control. Which means that my students have that same gift given to them every day they come to school.
Inspiring Children to Find Their Passion
Through my passion for reading and education, I found a new love. A love of inspiring young minds to find their passions. I realized that without teachers who cared for me and pushed me past my own limitations, I would not be where I am now. I would not have taken Advanced Placement courses. I would not have gone to college. I would not think of education as a place I belong in as a profession. I would not be in a classroom at all. Now it is my turn to pass that same inspiration and belief on to others who doubt themselves due to their unfortunate circumstances. Our circumstances do not define us. What we make of them does.
Educators have power in words.
It can be as simple as it was for me when a teacher said: "We need more good teachers. You need to go to college." The fact that a woman I respected and admired thought I would make a good teacher was enough to get my feet moving toward college. She pointed me in the right direction even if it did take many years from that point on. Without that one statement from her, I know for a fact I would not be in the classroom now.
I try to remember this moment as much as possible to remind myself of the power that we have with our words. I tell my students about their individual and unique gifts and help them see how they can foster those gifts through education to have a bright future. A future that is successful in spite of the hardships and trauma they may endure now. I believe in them. And that is communicated daily. It is the springboard for their own inspiration.
Education is a Gift
Every person has the right to an education regardless of race, culture, gender, disability, or circumstances. I knew growing up that school was an escape for me. It was a way for me to shed the trauma of my home environment. This is a truth many of my students know as well.
Once a teacher showed me that he believed in my academic ability, it became even more than that. Not only was school an escape from home, but school was also now a way out. I could be better. Do better. All I had to do was learn. So I did. And through that experience, I realized that while everyone attends school, everyone does not see it as the gift it should be. That has become my mission.
I desire for every student in my classroom to come in and realize they are not a product of their circumstances. They are not the traumatic experiences they have lived in. They are creating who they are every day they walk in the classroom. I frequently tell them that the one thing no one can ever take from them is their education, so fight for it! Recognize that it is your right to be in the classroom, but you will walk out with the gift of knowledge that is all your own. No one can take that from you. Ever. This is the most precious gift. Believe in yourself. If I can help my students see this year after year then I know I am doing what I was meant to do. I want to inspire other kids as I was inspired. I believe in them and the future they will create. This is more powerful than any lesson I will ever deliver on content. This guides who I am as a teacher every day when I walk into the classroom. I can only hope that my students see my passion and belief in their abilities and use that to gain an understanding of what they can accomplish.
What I Was Meant For
I realized that my true calling is with teaching literature. Let's face it, I love to read. That love and enjoyment of books carries over authentically to my students. It helps me inspire them to find their love of reading.
I also realized that I am definitely meant for intermediate/middle school grade levels. I love working with children when they are trying to find themselves and explore their identities. I am hoping that my impact will be larger because they will hopefully carry my lessons on education and my belief in their individual talents as they grow and become successful adults.
I learned that through being a life-long learner, I can accomplish more than I ever dreamed of. By the time I was 28 I had a Masters Degree in Instructional Design. This was an idea that never seemed possible for me when I was growing up. And, because of that, I can help my students realize that they can make a change for themselves as well.
What does the future hold for me in education?
I am also beginning to learn that I may have a calling for a larger impact. I enjoy teaching educators. I want to help others in the classroom meet the needs of their students-not just academically-but also emotionally. But, I fear leaving the classroom. I know one day I will. I am beginning to think it is what I am meant to do. But, I also know that the unknown is scary. There is even a part of me that worries I am not good enough to inspire educators to learn and grow for their students because of my traumatic past. After all, how could I teach them when I didn't even know I wanted to be a teacher until I was told? No one truly knows what the future holds, but I do hope that mine holds the ability to impact teachers in the classroom and the students in front of them. And, I am finally seeing that I can believe in my own abilities.
My future as a learner is changing as well. I am considering a new journey into a Ph.D. The fact that I even put that in writing to share is monumental. It may take a while to gain courage, but it is there in my mind. I now realize it is something I can do. And that is what I want my students to understand. Education is there for them. The sky is the limit. They hold so many possibilities in their hands. All they have to do is BELIEVE in themselves like I believe in them!
I hope that is something that was obvious! 🥰
You're really that passionate for teaching, huh. That's cool.